怎么就有那么恬不知耻的人呢。。 好像跟着我后面骂我很爽,是他的人生目标一样。 我想稍微有点自尊的人都不应该和我继续扯下去。错,我压根没和他扯。 本来还想去要一下管理自己贴的权限删了跟贴,想想算了,随他去,他发神经我不能也搭着。 只是真的很纳闷很郁闷很愤懑
怎么就有那么恬不知耻的人呢。。 好像跟着我后面骂我很爽,是他的人生目标一样。 我想稍微有点自尊的人都不应该和我继续扯下去。错,我压根没和他扯。 本来还想去要一下管理自己贴的权限删了跟贴,想想算了,随他去,他发神经我不能也搭着。 只是真的很纳闷很郁闷很愤懑
不知道想说什么。 早上错过了2班车。。多亏同事帮忙开机。没迟到。腿酸的要命。 忙到刚刚才缓过来。吃了点东西,算是早饭。 昨天的事似乎告诉我我不适合做商业。可是直觉告诉我貌似我喜欢那样的感觉,和陌生的人打交道很刺激很兴奋。 昨晚继续看了两集电视。然后开始截图。看今天有时间就上传,有时间就发出去。 可是,明明感觉截的不怎样。和前几天的感觉完全不对。 今天好几次都差点晕倒,还好扶着挡板。怎么会这样呢。。。 外公外婆他们今天回去。后天姑姑回去。大后天我回去。没想到回去最想看到的是小宝宝。。呵呵。 吃饭。。。 ps,昨夜…
不知不觉发现偶用e文写了n多了。。现在不知不觉看到什么就想用e文写。。。ft。。。 几个问题: 1,某天在苏果看到有水仙和其他植物卖。现在住的缺乏人气,计划年后想弄点花草之类。。。(小有情调一下子。。咔咔)有经验的介绍经验,没经验的讨论可行性。这个问题西瓜免开尊口,谢谢。 2,过年给奶奶和一周岁的妹妹带点什么好?爸妈呐?以及一个亲戚,比我爸妈小几岁的样子,送什么合适? 3,最近总结出来的,过去是美好的可以怀念不要强求继续;现在是美好的不要指望以后还好。反正看清了些人、事。爱咋地咋地。反正我没那么多精力耗。以后开始自…
A left workmate asked me the server's password and he said he won't break the server. I knew the password but I told him I do not know. I do not know what should I do. trouble...
Snowy day. Another workmate has gone today. Candy told me that the first letter at the first of the sentense should be capital. Yesterday I bought a disc named "恶作剧之吻",the live is so dryly without internet.But when connectd the internet live also dry…
Jan.28.the last day of this year.maybe arrive home 11:30 am.It's time to have lauch.hehe. Last night I copy the soft of Alcatel Suite to my mp3,but the date cable this morning I had forget bring to company,so I can not upload my photos in these days. ps,I thin…
She said:"I would phone to my friends to say 'happy new year' or others to them." So,this year,I will phone to my friends instead of sms. P.S,my parents will remember today is my birthday. Also it seems that it has a bad weather on my birthday And …
1,it seems that my phone has broken.This morning it can not work.Woo,it can not send message. Today one of my friend's birthday whom named keddy.When I phoned her,it hanged up once more and more.That's bad message. 2,last night I have a deep sleep.It seems tha…
还剩下三个袋子。。今天搞定。。 顺便买枕头啊,拖鞋啊,洗衣粉啊,还有什么的?总之。。。习惯了,每次搬家都会这样。。 ps,昨天夜里基本没睡着。。。不过不困。。估计是晚起10分钟的原因。。哇咔咔。
maybe give up is the best choice. I can not imagine why. I don't like the game at all. someone told me that take care the one not educate.I knew,but it seems hard to do.